Desirable graduate characteristics: SCI3

What is SCI3?

"SCI Cube " is the identity of students at the Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University with the strength to become a science graduate that addresses the needs of entrepreneurs in the Thailand 4.0 era, consisting of the following:

Science and Technology
International, Innovation, integrity

S Science & Technology

Science and Technology – Aside from the knowledge that students will get from their chosen courses, students need to have additional knowledge to keep up with current world evolution of Data Science. It is a branch of science that plays an important role in various fields such as medical work, business, water and environment management. Data Science helps to support decisions both in public and private management by analyzing predictions from Big Data providing faster decisions with high accuracy. The Faculty of Science has the advantage in developing this knowledge because we have departments dealing directly with information science, consisting of knowledge in mathematics, statistics and computer science. Therefore, in order for our students to have modern knowledge to keep up with the changes in the world and be in demand for the jobs, the faculty therefore encourages our students to further develop this knowledge to the level that can be further used in the field of information science in the future.

C Creativity

Creativity – one of the skills of the 21st century. It is the thinking process of the brain, which has the ability to think differently with novelty. Creativity is not talent but is something that everyone can practice and develop.

I International

international – To enhance internationalization. Students should have at least a fair level of non-Thai language skills, including listening, reading and writing. The second language that our faculty focuses on is mainly English. Students must register for at least 9 credits of English language courses. The development also includes English based courses or teaching materials in English and seminar classes in English. Additionally, the faculty also supports and encourages students to enroll in the third language courses according to student interest. As for the development of extracurricular English, the Faculty encourages students to practice through online programs called “Gale Lingo” and in extracurricular activities.

I Integrity

Integrity – is a key quality that entrepreneurs want from our graduates. The Faculty of Science recognizes the value within each student and want to bring those potential out to create the best benefits for our society by being refined in the courses studied in the curriculum and extra-curricular activities with an emphasis on “giving”.

I Innovation

Innovation – means doing things in new ways. Innovation also includes Changes in processes, ideas, production or organization. In the Thailand 4.0 era, Thailand must change from the production of “commodities” to “innovative” products. In addition, innovation capability is one of the important skills of the 21st century.

  • 1st year students will learn the process of creating innovation through the subjects Knowledge of the Land under the heading of Design Thinking.
  • 2nd – 4th year students will learn through the courses specified by the curriculum and senior project in the last semester

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